Another language vision technique that influences the final cnn layer with the gradients to produce a localization map highlighting regions, introducing explainability and interpretability.

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<aside> 💡 In the context of Grad-CAM, a "concept" is a target class or label for which you want to understand the model's reasoning. It could be a class like 'dog' in image classification or a sequence of words in captioning tasks. A gradient is how much it contributes to the concept. A 2D localization map is used to overlay the image and identify which is significant to the concept. Gradients focus on a small piece of image, but work with a greater area of gradients to determine which is relevant to the concept.


How does the final cnn layer produce localization map based on the gradients?

Where is the concept-specific information stored in the gradients before the final layer?

Shows that

Imoprtant neurons are identified by GradCAM which relate to concepts.

Partial Linearization & Importance

  1. Definition: The weight ���αck "partially linearizes" the network, meaning it approximates the complex functions in the network with something simpler (linear).
  2. Intuitive Explanation: It's like summarizing a complicated story (neural network operations) into a simple sentence (linear equation) that captures the essence of the story for a specific topic (class).
  3. Barebones Example: The weight ���αck is determined by how much the activation ��Ak affects the class score ��yc.