<aside> 💡
Use VLMs to track pose of the manipulator with the object, learn parameters, optimize the ideal parameters that enable manipulator to pick up.
Lets say goal is to determine the object properties. specifically we have simulation arm, and physical arm. sim arm starts at some initial joints, and we manipulate the object and feel the force, like if its heavy object our physical arm is slower, so its joint positions are in lower points, but sim is higher because they havent learned object intrinsics, so this diff in joint positions will serve as error, and we backpropogate the update the gradient of the loss wrt object parameters such as mass, etc.
CUDA Toolkit 12.6, Driver 12.5
Python 3.10
colcon build / catkin_make
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.sh
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(rigid or deformable) (can flow under stress)
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Elastic Plastic Newtonian Non-Newtonian
(spring back (deform irreversibly) (constant viscosity) (variable viscosity)
under stress) (viscosity changes with shear rate)
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Water Simple oils Bingham Power Law Herschel-Bulkley
(yield stress) (shear-thin (yield stress,
or shear-thick) non-linear flow)
federico, hsyics gaussian, rendering to estimate softbody parameter.